
Visualizing match data

RoboCup is an international initiative launched in 1997, with the goal to be able to compete against humans in 2050. In RoboCup MSL (Mid-Size League) matches, teams of five fully autonomous robots battle it out on the field. Teams have the freedom to design their robots, but all sensors must be on board and for each league there are restrictions on size and weight.

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RoboCup includes mechatronics design, control systems and multi-agent cooperation. At the moment, there are matches being held for autonomous robots. However, it can be difficult to determine the intentions of the robots as a casual viewer. Thus, the goal of this project is to create a visualisation tool of which the primary function is to visualize the robots’ intentions for visitors of match events. The secondary goal of this project is to allow developers to use this tool as a debugging tool to improve their robots and learn from what happens during matches.

During a match, a device that is called the referee box receives team data at a frequency of 10 Hz per team through a TCP/UDP connection. Using the same protocol, our application can connect to the referee box by listening to the appropriate port. By processing the incoming data, we can show a visual representation of the information in real-time.

Meet the team!

Spring 2024
Fall 2023
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