
Competence generation

With revitalising education comes challenges. Especially because most edTech is based on old grading systems. We have provided teachers and students with much needed support to overview and review progress in this new competency based learning.

The Open Learning devision at Fontys is at the cutting edge of education innovation. One of the big steps towards improving education has been to get rid of grades, and start using competency based learning. Competency based learning is an ever more popular way for many collages to assess students. But integrating this in existing learning management systems (LMS) can prove to be difficult. The old implementation on Canvas had two problems. First of all, no LMS has a good way of displaying progress in a relevant way. The second problem had do with documenting.

At the end of each semester, every student is asked to make a competency document. This is a document in which a student sets goals, keeps track of study competences and reflects on previous semesters. This document works well, but is a big hassle to create.
To solve these issues, we developed Epsilon. The aim of Epsilon is to automate, digitise and standardise the competence document and performance dashboard by taking advantage of Canvas integrations.

Epsilon has an interactive dashboard, on which students can see their progress. They can go back and look through previous semesters, or they can set their own time period to compare change. At the end of each semester. The students can download their progress as a Word document. This takes away a lot of work to create a teacher oversight of all their learnings. Taking away yet another hoop students would otherwise have to jump through.

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